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Case Study-1

Project: Lalithaa Jewellery

(E-Commerce Company)

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Lalithaa jewellery Online

SEO Traffic Report (Before vs After)

organic search lalithaa jewellery

Organic traffic has skyrocketed. While we have more organic traffic in high page values. There is no goal conversion tracking enabled here.

Top Performed Main Page Traffic and Impression-SEO (Before vs After)

Organic clicks and Impressions main conversion Pages- improved business keyword rate by 46%

Top performing pages lalithaa jewellery mart

Google Webmaster Report-Organic SEO (Before vs After)

Google search console -lalithaa jewellery dashboard

A big change in the absolute metrics MoM . This led to a greater engagement rate by the end of 2022 when compared to the previous year.

Competitive Positioning Map-Organic Search traffic and website performance
organic search traffic lalithaa and competitor domains
lalithaa jewellery competitor position mapping
Organic Business Keyword Ranking Report

Current Ranking

keyword Ranking

Improved SEO business keyword ranking to the 1st page of search results by implementing effective on-page and off-page outreach strategies.

Google Ad Campaign Report
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Key Strategies Implemented

Launched a comprehensive link-building campaign to acquire high-quality backlinks from authoritative and relevant websites.
Implemented local SEO strategies to target customers in specific geographical locations. This included optimizing Google My Business listings, acquiring local citations, and encouraging customers to leave positive reviews.
Collaborated with relevant fashion influencers in Chennai to create sponsored content featuring e-commerce products.
Utilized a multi-faceted approach to improve SEO outreach, including the publication of magazine articles, public relations posters, and content in various popular newspapers such as The Hindu, Dina Thanthi, The Times of India, nakkeran, vikadan and Eenadu (a Telugu newspapers).
Introducing Quick Scan for e-commerce jewelry products, enabling quick purchases at airports, railway stations, and other locations.

Event Reach- 308,353+

Rise in Profile Visit- 26%

Monthly Organic Traffic improved- 61.6%

Ranked Competitive organic Keywords- 8900+

Target affinity audience(Shoppers)

increased- 45%

Comprehensive Clustering resulted in Product Keyword Rank- 1st Position

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Case Study-2

Project: Acodez

(Web design company)

Organic Website traffic improvement for first 6 Months
Conversion rate for the last 6 Months

Keyword Ranking and Website Performance Report


Organic Keyword Ranking with position

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Increase domain authority -13 to 35

Total impressions- 1.3Million

Monthly Organic Traffic improved- 39.8%

Monthly Organic Traffic improved- 61.6%

Conversions- 314 Sales Qualified Leads


Case Study-2

Project: Alter Ego 360

(Digital Marketing Agency)

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Organic GMB local search Keywords

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A-Z Project Management (Wireframe, Website Text Crafting, Website Media)

  • Increased the Local Search visibility
    by 13%.

  • Improved the visibility of website conversion by an average of 21% as before and after

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Case study-3

Project: Food Research Lab

(FMCG Industry)

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Brand Keyword Ranking with positions

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Lead Generation Campaign 2021-2022

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"Online Marketing is the future, and the future is NOW!

Organic SEO traffic Before SEO/After SEO(2020 and 2021)

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Top Competitor Position Mapping

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Case study-4

Project: Mere Mentor

Organic GMB local search Keywords

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Personal Accomplishments

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